
Tuesday 19 November 2013

Stage of Death

I read this story in a book ,

Once there is a man who is crying for the death of his beloved one.
A saint showed up there on his way back to his place. He saw the man crying in his house thinking about the dead past.
            The saint went to him and asked about the reason. And the saint looked through the house and took an old photo of that man taken in his childhood.
            He did see it for a while and asked the man,

“ Where is this young man now?”

The man replied, “ It is me”

The saint asked again the same question, “Where is this young man now?”

The man get confused and replied, “ It is me. I am here. ”

The saint asked exactly the same question again for the third time. This time the man get fully confused and stood silent.

Now the saint advised him saying,

“ Oh child! The young man here at this photo is dead by now. When you grow up that is when you reached a new stage, the past stage of your life becomes dead.
In the same way, from death your beloved one reached a new stage of the life.
From death everyone attains a new stage of our life.
So don’t be worried about death. It is not the end of our life.”

From this story, I really amazed at the words of that saint. It is really true that when we attain a new stage of our life, our past stage gets dead.

Simple but meaningful words

Give a little time to those words.

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