
Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Signals faster than Light Speed

Light Speed cannot be achieved by any means of Physics. No signal can be transmitted faster than light Speed. I used to hear these statements often when studying relativity theory.

Keeping this in mind I started to think about signals. Why signals can’t be transmitted faster than light speed.  

I suddenly thought about an experiment with a rod.

Let us say I have a rod that is 5, 00,000 km - five lakhs kilometers of length. Assume that the stick is incompressible and rigid.

Now I am going to pull one of its ends to small displacement “dx” or small rotation “dθ”

Everyone knows from our experience that the other end of the rod spontaneously without any time gap would have been moved by the same displacement “dx” or rotation “dθ”.

I don’t think signals cannot be transmitted with this rod.

I will use the following way to transmit the signal to other end of the rod that is five lakh kilometers away from this end. It was already announced to my friend that if the rod moves below it indicates the number zero and if the rod moves above then it indicates the number one. In this way my friend on the other side can easily note down the numbers using a machine and can easily understand the messages as in the same way how a computer does.

You can also imagine two computers instead of two humans. The computers can interact in the following way though they are separated with the distance of five lakhs kilometers.

I am not arguing with Special theory of Relativity. I know the velocity defined in Special theory of relativity defines different signal velocity. Here I am not talking about signal velocity but I am just trying to get a way how we can transmit a signal for such a long distances. And I just want to simply show that it is not impossible for us to transmit signals to such large distances.

Using this method we can transmit signals between the stars and the galaxies by slowly spreading throughout the entire universe.

Here it was already assumed that my friend is there on the other side. It is easy to make him go on the other side by simply make him to sit on the other point of the rod. After making him to sit on the other side we can start to build the rod and move it in the space slowly.

This is just an idea but not the absolute way. I am just trying to prove the possibility of transmitting these signals. Using perfect Engineering we can find a more suitable method. But I don’t want go into that Engineering.    

Do you think there is anything wrong with this method?

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