
Sunday 1 June 2014

Experiment with broken Specs

 When I was cleaning my specs, I accidently put my grip on the center and tilted the other side. Eventually I broke my specs into two parts. It took 5 days for a new one.

For five days my time died suffering severe headaches.

I tried to fix it in many ways. But it gave no use. Cello tapes gave me an irritating feeling.

So, what I repeatedly done is fixing and breaking. I will fix with cello tapes and again will break it due to irritation.

Finally I got a best thing with rubber bands. That is an "Easily flexible spectacle". 

But the problem is not finished. One lens was tilted slightly upwards than the other.

The problem is that the focusing points for the two lenses are tilted and it gave strain to my eyes.

Consequently our eyes need to focus in different way to focus on single point. And this again led to the same headaches.

But I really don’t get the exact point how the tilting of the spectacles is the reason for headaches. I am not satisfied with my explanation.

The doubt follows as,

If you place two transparent glasses left and right before your respective eyes, then you can focus on a single point. And that will not give so much strain.

May be in curved glasses there will be strain due to curvature and aberration. 

But my question is how small tilt also makes the strain i.e. that is big effect in my head. How my brain easily knows even small effects in our body?

Why our eyes needs symmetrical things. Not only our eyes but the whole body needs symmetry. It is the essential one. How does this happen in nature?
Why Nature loves symmetry?

I will give a great example of symmetry in our body in the next post.
But anyhow I learned great conclusions after doing experiments with my broken spectacles. I will never forget that. 

The conclusion is,

Don’t or Never do any experiments with your eyes ‼!  

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